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Board Meeting Minutes

  • 06 Jan 2018 10:24 AM | Anonymous member

    Hiawatha Bicycling Club meeting minutes

    Board of Directors Meeting  6:30 pm  November 14, 2017

    Location:   Have Fun Biking

                     1321 E 66th Street   Suite 102

                      Richfield,  MN  55423


    Board members present: Dan Robinson, Barry Cole, Jack Soltis, Mark Kleczewski, Marty Rosenstein and Theresa Ditter.


    Board members absent:  John Johnston III


    Other Club member present:  Jim Luoma(out going president),  Bruce Allyn(out going treasurer)


    Meeting was called to order at 6:52pm


    Frist order of business was to fill board positions. Board officers for the 2017-2018 year are:

    President –   Dan Robinson

    Vice President –  Barry Cole

    Secretary –   Jack Soltis

    Treasurer –    Mark Kleczewski

    Marketing and PR –   Marty Rosenstein

    Board TDA representative -   Theresa Ditter


    Minutes of the annual meeting (November 5, 2017) were approved with minor corrections of a date and name.


    Treasurer’s Report:  Bruce Allyn

    Year end summary – a cash transfer from the Vanguard account into the operational account will be needed in the very near future to cover several large expenses at the beginning of the year. Estimate was two to three thousand dollars. A large expense for web hosting (three year period) is coming due in 2018. Two unpaided expenses, 2017 PO Box and 2017 Ride leader jerseys, will be carried over into 2018 causing two entries for each in 2018.

    There was discussion about the need to have a better break down of TDA (Tour D’Amico) expenses. The possiblity of a dedicated TDA treasurer (or assistant treasurer) to specifically measure and track TDA expenses was suggested.


    Vice-President’s Report

    No report.


    Marketing and Public Relations Report:

    Marty indicated that he would work with club department chairs (TDA, Membership, and Ride leader) to develop and publish more information about these club functions. This would enable members to better understand what takes place in these areas in hope to attract more volunteers to help out.


    Membership Report:

    No report.



    TDA Report:

    A 2018 TDA director is needed. The club is still searching for a member to step forward. This is a very important position and needs to be filled as soon as possible.


    Unfinished Business:

    The 2018 calendar was reviewed. A 2018 Ride Leader department head is needed.


    New Business:

    The board received a thank-you card and note from Edie Kalweit for a gift card granted to her for years of supplying Birthday Bash (personally decorated) cakes. First Fridays of the month would not be the same without Edie’s passion for the clubs tradition to celebrate members birthdays with a cake.

    The club thanks you Edie for all you do.


    The next board meeting will be held on December 12, 2017 at 7:00pm at the Have Fun Biking office in Richfield.


    The meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm.

  • 05 Nov 2017 9:27 AM | Anonymous member

    Hiawatha Bicycling Club Annual Meeting

    November 5, 2017


    A quorum was confirmed and President Jim Luoma called the meeting to order at 4:40pm.  49 members were in attendance.

    Bruce Allyn motioned to approve the minutes from the 2016 annual meeting and Larry Narveson seconded the motion.  Minutes were approved.

    Alan Wichman, representing the nominating committee identified the four candidates who make up the slate to serve a 2 year term:

    Marty Rosenstein, Theresa Ditter, John Johnston, III and Mark Kleczewski.  John was not present.

    Jim outlined how one becomes eligible to become a board member.

    Barry Cole, Jack Soltis and Dan Robinson will continue their terms until November 2018. 

    Jim Luoma, Bruce Allyn, Danette Vasilopoulis and Bev Sorensen completed their terms and were thanked for their service. 

    There were no nominations from the floor.  Bev Sorensen motioned to accept the slate of nominees to the Board.  ________________seconded the motion.  Most voted in favor but for 1 dissenting vote.  The motion carried.

    Haggith Nadav reviewed the membership report statistics.  Member counted increased by 2 for the year.  55 joined over the year and 53 dropped their membership.  31% of new members sited word of mouth and 16% sited Meet Up.  There are 1, 183 people on Meet Up and 263 on Google Groups.

    Smart Cycling was a success again this past Winter with a program about Major Taylor.  Another program featured Linn Bruce and Pillsbury school kids and at another program John Mertens from Dakota County presented.  Ideas for future programs should be directed to Robin Katz at  Robin was thanked for her diligence in finding and pulling together great programs.

    Bruce Allyn reviewed the financials of the club. Financial gain for the year ended 10/31/17 was $2,300.  Can Financial Highlights be attached? 

    TDA was down 50 riders.  Weather is a factor and most costs are fixed in advance.  Operating costs still exceed membership dues revenue by $2,200.  Fiscal year end Net Operating Margin was $2,525.

    There were no known outstanding bills at year end.  John Zeiss noted the missing Ride Leader Vests, which have not yet arrived.  Nor has HBC been billed for them. 

    The Board reviewed past charitable gifts as they related to current revenue stream and assets and decided to reduce charitable contributions from $3,000 in 2016 to $1,500 in 2017. 

    Jack researched the charities to whom donations have been made in past years and the one with highest overhead was eliminated. 

    Three Rivers Park Trails System, Free Bikes for Kids (pay mechanics to fix donated bikes) and Bike Alliance of MN were the charities chosen to receive donations. 

    Bruce reported $1,280 of extraordinary income due to a change in investments.  Bonds, inversely related to changes in interest rates had resulted in flat to negative returns on the bond fund held.  After researching, Bruce exchanged to Vanguard Balanced Fund. 

    Greg Swanson asked why we reduced charitable contributions from $2,000 to $1,500 when we had gains.

    Bruce responded we weren’t aware of extraordinary gains at the time the board decided to reduce charitable donations.  The Board spent 2 meetings discussing donations.  Haggith said we should accept the Board’s decision to reduce contributions. 

    Wilbur: since 1999 inception of TDA they have had concerns of what happens to HBC if we lose TDA.

    Leon: If we wanted to run lean due to loss of TDA what expenses would we need to cover?  Insurance, IT, are fixed costs.  Volunteer Banquet could be forgone.  How much is enough discussion ensued with comments by Leon, Wilbur, Bob, Jim, Haggith and Alan. 

    Dan said they didn’t know gain or loss of Vanguard and he would like to see the audit.  Wilbur referenced the Audit that he and Collette prepared and Leon affirmed it is audit committee’s responsibility to audit and report, not to decide.

    Leon or Wilber reported 2.5x annual fixed operating expenses is sufficient for reserves. 

    Russ reported on marketing and requested team members.  Marty volunteered for the Marketing Team and asked for the optimal number of HBC members.  Goal is about 300. 

    Last 2 years we have gained about 50 members and lost a comparable amount. Net gain for FYE 2017 was +2.  Haggith said we could absorb 100 more members. 

    Dan reported on Insurance LAB 2017.

    Overall cost was $952.20 which should cover medical and liability after personal deductible of $500. 

    Non-members are covered for their first ride only.  Our club cost is $4.50 per person for TDA non- members.  Average size of bike clubs are 200-400 members. 

    Process for an accident is to call Dan first and report immediately.  He then goes on line and reports to Insurance LAB.   Then seek to collect from your medical insurance or homeowners liability policy before LAB claim.

    If you don’t have medical insurance, you would pay the $500 deductible and submit to LAB to pay the balance of the claim.  For a liability claim, submit to your homeowners or umbrella if you have coverage there, then to club’s LAB. 

    Winter walks and walkers are NOT covered. 

    Alan asked if broken wrist from 2017 accident resulted in a claim against LAB and club.  Dan does not get claim info.  Alan suggested a Sunshine Committee to provide a plant or goodwill gesture to injured rider.

    Leon reported Rides States

    King: Barry Cole                                    Queen: Rohanda Victorsen

    Prince: John Escritt                        Princess: Marcy Kelash

    HBC had most number of miles ridden since 2001.

    Leon suggested those that can’t access their ride stats on the website, unblock their pop up blocker.

    Michelle Brower seeks to enhance info you can get off website.

    2017 TDA Report from Greg Swanson:

    247 riders.  Costs and revenues fluctuate.  $40 price is a good value.  Fees are flat.  We reduced price of jersey to sell more.  Now offered for $30 and about 30 of them are left. See Diane Z for jerseys or SOCKS.

    Russ suggested Imathletes to list our excess merchandise for sale directly. 

    Jim reviewed budget:

    Expenses were $8,725 of which food was only $1,986.

    TDA non-member cost $4.54 for insurance up from $3.53

    Greg thanked those on planning committee/team and said he would do TDA 2018 if a deputy director would work with him and take over for 2019.  Bob D, Russ, John E ran TDA for 2 or more years as did Carmen (3 years), Paul B and others.  We acknowledged their work in making TDA the success it is.  D’Amico is a great partner. 

    Feedback Greg has received is that the routes could be better marked.  Ride with GPS had available in 2017 TDA and will be again. 

    The volunteer banquet will be March or April 2018. 

    Final: Life Member recognition was made to Bruce Beck as a founding member of the club.  Wilbur and Bob D, also founding members accepted the award in his absence.

    Jim acknowledged in his closing remarks, what he learned this year……………………

    He extended thanks to all volunteers and contributors.

    p.s. John Z does not know what the status is of the Ride Leader vests.  John will pursue with Norbert again.
  • 30 Oct 2017 8:25 AM | Deleted user

    HBC Board of Directors

    Meeting Minutes

    October 17, 2017

    1321 East 66th St., Suite #102


    The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM.


    In attendance:  Jim Luoma, Dan Robinson, Bev Sorensen, Barry Cole, and Jack Soltis.


    The agenda was approved by all..

    Minutes were read and approved.

    Standing Reports:

                Treasurer:   Report as provided by Bruce Allyn generated discussion regarding

    •                               Annual banquet to be held Nov 5. Jack S graciously agreed to

                                        Provide meal, but needs dollar allowance. It was suggested to

                                         Use last year’s dollars as a guide.  We are not able to use stoves

                                        At  the church this year due to someone leaving them on last year.

                                        Bringing hot pizza or lasagna and not able to keep it warm led to                                                     discussion that Jack might contact D’Amico for similar fare as                                                    TDA. Easy to pick up and reasonably priced.  Budget planning                                                       deferred to November since Bruce not available.  IRS report                                                             deferred also.  Barry will contact Bruce.  Collette Sulsur and                                                       Wilbur Thomas will do annual audit.

                Marketing:      No report but Russ will send out Newsletter.

                Membership:   Added 8 new members and dropped 6 for a net gain of 2.

                                           Website and meetup rides accounted for new members.

                Operating Calendar:

                                        November is first meeting of new board, which will include three

                                           returning board members and two new ones.  Calendar

                                           will have to be adjusted at that time plus budget planning.

                                           Nominating team has two persons who agree to run for the

                                           Open positions:  Marty Rosenvitz, and John Johnston

                Smart Cycling: Bev will talk to Robin about upcoming schedule.                                          Old Business :  Art work for Ride Leaders vests not complete.  Company in South                                                    America responsible, so will need to wait a little longer.

                New Business: Jim L brought up request from Midtown Greenway Partnership to                                                               have HBC be a part of the partnership looking to use the                                                                           Short Line Railway for a bicycle path extending the                                                                          Greenway into St. Paul.  In as much as the railroad still                                                                    uses the line on average two to three times a week, and a                                                                       lack of knowledge about whether the line is volunteering to                                                              abandon the track or whether the Partnership is pressing the                                                            issue, we decided to pass on their request due to a lack of                                                                           information, and lack of personnel to attend said meetings                                                                upcoming about the issue.

    Motion to adjourn. Approved. Adjourned at 7:20 PM.



    Respectfully submitted by Dan Robinson

  • 03 Oct 2017 10:10 AM | Deleted user

    HBC Board of Director’s Meeting Minutes

    September 13, 2017

    1321 East 66th St., Suite 102





    The meeting was called to order 6:30 pm.  In attendance: Jim Luoma, Jack Soltis, Dan Robinson, Barry Cole, Bev Sorensen, Bruce Allyn and Danette Vassilopoulos and Greg Swanson.


    AGENDA:  Ad Haggith’s emails suggestions to calendar.  Agenda approved by all.


    MINUTES:  Approved by all.


    Greg Swanson reminds the board that we conduct a financial audit of our records this time of year.  Last year Wilbur Thomas and Colette Sulser provided this service.  Bruce will contact them to request they repeat this year.


    TDA Report:   Greg Swanson   see attached sheet from Greg


    Jack motions that we give Edie Kalweit the 2 remaining $50 gift cards left over from Tour D’Amico to help cover birthday cake costs.  VOTE all vote yes


    Bruce motions that he sends $500 to charity chosen by the company that provided the tents and tables.  VOTE   all vote yes


    FINANCIAL REPORT:  Bruce Allyn

     Most TDA expenses have been paid.

    There is $600 outstanding for the ride leader jerseys. Jim Luoma will follow up with John Zeiss on the ride leader vests.

    Also we need to pay for our post office box soon, which is $225

    Right now the club has $30,470.87 cash on hand


    MARKETING:  Dan has another upcoming meeting for the MSC Council.


    MEMBERSHIP: club had 201 members, 4 new members and 5 members have left for a 200 total


    OPERATING CALENDER:  October meeting on Tuesday October 17.  Barry will bring snacks.  Need to decide on annual meeting date.   Board Meeting in November will be on November 8th at 6:30 pm.


    SMART CYCLING:  Robyn will do this program again this year.  She already has 1 program in the works.


    TDA DIRECTOR  for NEXT YEAR:  Greg Swanson will act as director again ONLY if an assistant is found and in place.

    Dan suggests we think of ways to make the TDA Director job more manageable.


    GIFT CERTIFICATE BRUCE BECK:  Jim Luoma presented a nice certificate for us to give Bruce.  Dan will contact Bruce to see if he is able to attend the annual meeting.






    DONATIONS:  Last year HBC donated $500 to each of 5 charities.  Bruce Allyn motions that we give a total of $1500 this year to reflect our profits from TDA being lower.  After much discussion a motion is made by Bruce to donate $500 to 3 charities.  VOTE  all vote yes.  Following are the charities chosen:

    • 1.     MN Bike Alliance  $500
    • 2.      Three Rivers Park District  $500
    • 3.      Free Bikes 4 Kidz  $500

    Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.













































  • 26 Jul 2017 8:37 AM | Deleted user

    HBC Board of Director’s

    Meeting Minutes

    July 18, 2017

    Brookdale Library



    The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm.  In attendance: Jim Luoma, Bev Sorensen, Jack Soltis, Dan Robinson, Bruce Allyn, Barry Cole and Danette Vassilopoulos.



    Add under New Business proposal to send thank you to TDA Director.

    Agenda approved by all.


    MINUTES: Approved by all.



    The number of riders for TDA was down by about 50.

    The club needs to keep more out of the Vanguard account to pay expenses upfront.

    The TDA insurance bill was discussed by Bruce and Dan.

    Bruce requested approval to pay Diane Zeiss for mailing expenses from sending TDA jerseys to riders who did not show up day of. ALL APPROVED.

    At the next meeting board will discuss TDA finances more when all of the receipts are turned in to Bruce.


    MEMBERSHIP REPORT:    last month 188

                                                      11 new members

                                                      13 members were removed


    Dan brought to everyone’s attention that one of the members dropped was Bruce Beck who was one of the founding members of the club. Dan proposed the club do something honorary for him and suggested a lifetime membership and a plaque.  The plaque idea was dropped. 

    VOTE for lifetime membership Bruce Beck:  Bev abstained, everyone else YES.

    Jack suggested we present this plaque at the annual meeting.

    This is not a precedent.


    Dan also suggested we try to have a better membership report with more details.


    OPERATING CALENDER:  Next meeting will be WEDNESDAY September 13 at 1321 East 66th Street. October meeting date will be discussed then.


    SMART CYCLING: Danette will contact Robin to inquire if she is interested in handling Smart Cycle program again this year.


    NEW BUSINESS:  Motion by Danette to send TDA Director a thank you and $100 gift certificate to bike shop.  ALL APPROVED.


    Dan handed out copies of insurance TDA analyses that included numbers of riders over the years.


    Meeting was adjourned at 7:55pm.




  • 26 Jul 2017 8:35 AM | Deleted user

    HBC Board of Director’s

    Meeting Minutes

    June 12, 2017

    1321 East 66th St., Suite 102



    The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.  In attendance:  Jim Luoma, Bev Sorensen, Jack Soltis, Dan Robinson and Danette Vassilopoulos.



    Add under New Business a proposal by Bev to reduce the size of the board next year.

    Agenda approved by all.


    MINUTES:  Approved by all.


    TREASURER’S REPORT:  sent via email to all by Bruce and approved by all.


    MARKETING REPORT:  Dan Robinson attended the MSC meeting last month and will continue to be our representative from HBC.  He reported that there would be some interesting cycling trips available from MSC shortly. Russ will post the MSC newsletter for club members to view in Spoke’N’Wheel


    MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Last month 192

                                                      5 new members

                                                      9 members were removed

    Jim will look into policy for members who haven’t paid dues by contacting Haggith.


    TDA  Jack will contact Greg re: discount for new members who sign up for HBC at the day of TDA.  Discount could be the same as past years.  Jim will also ask Haggith about past years.


    ANNUAL BUDGET:  It will be on the Sept operating calendar this year, after we know how things turn out at TDA.  Motion made by Jim to discuss in September and all agreed.


    DONATIONS:   We discussed previous year donations to give new board members some history.  Last year HBC made 5 $500 donation.  The board will discuss this year’s donation AFTER TDA.  Meanwhile Jack has volunteered to research 4 of the organizations we donated to last year.


    SMART CYCLING:  The board will contact Robin in August to inquire if she would like to continue to do Samrt Cycling next year.


    NEW BUSINESS:  Bev suggested fewer members on the board next year, as it is not easy to find replacements.

    The By-Laws say we must have 5-7 persons so there is no need to change the by-laws.

    Pros: 5 persons would be less stress on volunteers

    Cons: if a few are not able to attend meeting

    INSURANCE:  Dan will contact Leon regarding the HBC insurance policy, and then he will post news rules in Spoke’N’Wheel.


    Also Dan volunteered to do a program on Croatia, Italy and Belgium.  Jim suggested he put together a running slide show and have it at the annual meeting.


    Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

  • 27 Jun 2017 2:54 PM | Deleted user

    HBC Board of Director’s

    Meeting Minutes

    May 15, 2017

    1321 East 66th St., Suite 102




    The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.  In attendance:  Jim Luoma, Bev Sorensen, Barry Cole, Dan Robinson, Bruce Allyn, and Danette Vassilopoulos.



    Add:  Under Old Business, discuss donations club will make.

    Agenda approved.



    Amend voting for adding other events to HBC calendar.

    Minutes approved with amendment.



    Vanguard Fund has been moved to Vanguard Balanced Fund.


    Volunteer Banquet budgeted for $2,000 and came in at $1294.95 total cost.


    Magic Moccasin also was under budget.



    Russ would like an article from the board for the 18th newsletter.  Dan will write article.

    Dan suggested HBC consider sending a representative to the MSC meeting.   No one is available for the meeting this week; Dan will attend if it fits into his schedule.


    MSC letters will be posted in the Spoke & Wheel from now on so that club members can access information.



    We had 193, added 3 and lost 4 so new current total is 192 members.



    Bev added next Board Meeting dates thru August 2017.



    Decision was made to delay discussion on donations the club will make until June so that Jack can be part of the decision.



    There is nothing new to report.



    No update.  Greg has been holding monthly meetings.

    Bruce will look into payment w/ credit cards for the day of event.  He will also inquire as to availability of electrical outlet for a cash register that Dan owns.



    Dan discussed changes and clarifications of the club’s insurance policy.

    There is a $500 deductible.

    TDA cost is $4.15. This goes up each year.

    Coverage applies during meetings and fundraisers but NOT for advocacy organizations, non-competitive walking w/ a bike ride or mountain bike rides on rough terrain.


    Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.





  • 06 Jun 2017 2:28 PM | Deleted user

    HBC Board of Directors

    Meeting Minutes

    April 17, 2017

                          1321 East 66th St., Suite #102


    The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.  In attendance: Jim Luoma, Bruce Allyn, Barry Cole, Bev Sorensen,  Jack Soltis, Danette Vassilopoulos and Leon Webster(guest).



    -Add Russ Lowithian letter

    -New Business - add request to help advertise Ride Across MN

    Agenda approved.


    Leon Webster first presented new Ride Stats & Entry program capability-via Michelle.  This program will simplify the data entry for ride leaders as well as take care of updating many stats that Leon does manually at this time.

    • -       Both TCBC & HBC use this program right now
    • -       No need having Java Script needed on personal computer
    • -       COST   $300

    Discussion ensued. 

    Jim Luoma was opposed to spending the money and asked how else we could accomplish this.

    Bruce Allyn proposed we accept this proposal.  Barry Cole seconded.

    Abstaining:  Jack Soltis and Jim Luoma

    All else voted Aye so motion was passed.




    Bruce Allyn presented why we should not stay in current bond fund.  He suggested a Balanced Index Fund from VANGUARD, low costs and a bit more diversity.

    Bruce Allyn proposed we accept this motion.  Bev Sorensen seconded.

    Abstaining:  Jack Soltis

    All else voted AYE so motion passed.

    BUDGET:  Volunteer banquet was under budget by $700

                         Smart Cycling probably a little over budget but all receipts not in yet

                         Insurance was a little over budget.



    Russ suggested having 3 rides each ride being slightly longer and a week apart to attract new members Cost to member would be $11 and D’Amico would then give new member a gift card worth $11 for food. (After completing all 3 rides)


    All approved giving Russ the go ahead with this suggestion.


    MEMBERSHIP   1 new member, 4 old members left HBC

    Currently we have 193 members.



    May 15th Monday 6:30

    June 12th Monday 6:30

    July 17th Monday 6:30

    August 14th Monday


    Bev proposes we have discussion at May meeting regarding donations the club will be making.  We can then advertise this for TDA.



    Barry & Bruce will get together with Greg Swanson to set up payments for TDA.


    Walden McFarland emailed the board.  He is in charge of Ride for MN whose goal is to raise $ for cancer and increase healthy activities.  He has requested that we post info on this ride to our HBC website so members know about it.  ( Sept 9-16)


    Vote was called and all voted not to add to the HBC calendar. 

    Abstaining were Jack Soltis and Barry Cole.


    Jack also suggested we should have a club policy regarding adding other items to the club calendar so as to treat all requests the same way.


    Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.



  • 18 Apr 2017 9:55 AM | Deleted user

    HBC Board of Directors

    Meeting Minutes

    March 21,2017

    1321 East 66th St., Suite #102


    The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.  In attendance:  Jim Luoma, Bev Sorensen, Jack Soltis, Bruce Allyn ( via phone), and Danette Vassilopoulos.


     Approval of AGENDA.

    • -       add Ironman volunteers per Eddie Kalweit to New Business.

    All Approved agenda.

    MINUTES read and approved by all present.



    The club spent $1114.75 this month.  Most of this was our insurance fee for this year.  Also a bank fee.  Smart Cycling ran over budget for this winter.

    We will discuss Vanguard account next month.



    We had one member drop out of club and one member who passed away bringing the number of members to 196.

    Jim sent condolences to family of member who passed away.


    MARKETING REPORT  no report this month


    OPERATING CALENDER  We will pick next meeting date one month ahead based on who

    will be present.  Next meeting will be Monday April 17th 6:30 pm.  Danette will contact Dan & Barry to let them know.


    Ride leader training is on calendar, Volunteer banquet has had good response thus far.  Jim will be absent and will contact Dan to stand in for him.


    SMART CYCLING   All agreed that programs were excellent this year.  Danette will send  Robin a thank you from the club for her efforts.


    It was suggested that the club add Pillsbury Cycle Club to our donation list.  Jack suggested we consider donating all of our charity funds to this club.


    TDA UPDATE  no news   A picture of the TDA jersey is on the HBC website


    NEW BUSINESS  MSC Sportster/ Do we want to continue being members?  We will contact Russ to ask his opinion on this.


    Discussion on John Hardy hosting a Cycle Savvy course for club members.  It would be a free class for club members.

    All approved.


    Bev will contact Edie re: Ironman volunteers to see what kind of response she has received.


    MEETING adjourned  7:30 pm







  • 29 Mar 2017 1:03 PM | Deleted user

    HBC Board of Directors

    Meeting Minutes

    February 22, 2017

    1321 East 66th St., Suite #102



    The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.

    In attendance: Jim Luoma, Dan Robinson, Bev Sorensen, Barry Cole, Jack Soltis, Danette Vassilopoulos and guest Greg Swanson- TDA director.


    1st item was approval of the Agenda.


    Greg Swanson updated board on TDA progress thus far.


    • 1.    First meeting held end of January.  Next meeting will be soon in February.
    • 2.    Budget will be the same as last year’s.
    • 3.    Registration last year was through website Event Bee.  This year Russ suggested changing to imAthelete which  also John Zeiss was in favor of doing.  This new site is more compatible with social media.  Registration is now open for TDA.
    • 4.    D’Amicos meeting tomorrow w/ Russ, Greg and Amy from D’Amico’s to discuss jersey design.  Price for food will be the same as last year.  Routes will be the same.


    Minutes were presented by Dan Robinson and approved by all.


    Finances/Treasurer’s Report (emailed to all by Bruce Allyn)


    Dan Robinson presented and was reimbursed $950.20 for the HBC insurance bill.


    Treasurer’s report was approved by all.


    Vanguard mailed new forms to HBC PO box and Barry now has forms. There was discussion on how to invest money in the club Vanguard account.  The decision was to wait until Bruce Allyn returns to revisit this subject.


    Marketing Report


    Russ Lowithian had emailed all on board a letter which Dan Robinson read.  Here are some recaps of letter.


    • 1.    Create an operational booklet for the club marketing with 5 year goals to pass along.
    • 2.    Marketing team revisited survey sent out to club members and #1 request was more club rides.
    • Suggestion was to have a couple of progressive rides that might appeal to folks on meetup ie  1st week a 10 mile ride followed by 15 mile ride the next week.
    • 3.    Discussion on 3 year membership plan w/ MSC, perhaps reduced membership fee.  This discussion was tabled till next meeting.


    Membership   Currently 197, 1 less than last month


    Operations calendar


    April 2nd is the volunteer banquet.


    Smart Cycling last meeting March 3rd.  Danette will contact Robyn & Leon regarding next Smart Cycling and verify pot luck/room #/correct info on our website.


    March meeting date will be March 21st at 6:30 pm.


    Transfer of Presidential library from Bob Bowen to Jim Luoma has been accomplished.


    Motion to adjourn. Approved. Adjourned at 8:23 pm.




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