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 Click the person icon on the upper right hand corner of the Website and you will be prompted for your user name and password.

If you are a member and unable to logon using your email address, send an email for the address you wish to use, it must not be the same as any member of your household,  to and ask for a logon link to be sent to you.

What should I do before each bike ride?  

Make sure you bike is in good working condition.  Perform the ABC = Air / Brakes / Crank&Chain

Make sure you have your helmet. All riders on HBC Rides must wear a helmet.  Your local bike shop can help you find and fit a helmet.  The attached link provides a good summary about selecting using a bike helmet:

Bring “after” ride clothing which is easy to change into and comfortable.  Bring sandals or walking shoes if you use bike shoes, especially if use cleats.

What does the A stand for in the ABC bike Check?

A is for Air. 

> Make sure your tires are inflated to the pressure listed on the side of the tires.

> Make sure that your tires still have plenty of tread, and are free from cuts or bald spots.

> Make sure there is no glass or rocks in the tread that will make trouble later.

Tip:  If you do the air check the night before, you will have plenty of time to fix a flat that may occur when you pump up your tires.  
What does the B stand for in the ABC bike Check?

B is for brakes.

> Inspect pads for wear; replace if there is less than ΒΌ" of pad left.

> Check pad adjustment; make sure they do not rub the tire.

> Look to see that you can fit your thumb between the brake lever and the handlebar when the brakes are squeezed all the way.
What does the C stand for in the ABC bike Check?

C is for cranks and chain.

> Pull your cranks away from the bike – if they are loose, tighten the bolt.

> Make sure your chain is clean and lubricated.

> Quick" is for quick releases: Make sure your quick releases are all closed - They should all be pointing to the back of the bike, so that they don’t get caught on anything.

> Check is for "Check it over: Take a quick ride to make sure everything is working properly.
What should I wear on the bike?

Bike clothing needs to accomplish the following:

> Keep you warm or cool based on conditions

> Dry quickly

> Fit comfortable and avoid being sucked into wheels, chains, brakes, etc.

> Protect your buns and private parts – main contact point on bike

> Be layered so that you can adjust to changing temperatures

You can ride in blue jeans and a cotton shirt.  Some of our riders do that and get along just fine.  But many of our riders find they are more comfortable wearing more technical clothing for maintaining body temperature, comfort and staying dry.

Lycra is a wickable fabric.  The advantage of a lycra bike jersey is that it will have pockets in the back and you can bring money/cellphone treats or an extra clothes layer with you.

Padded lycra bike shorts. This is the main contact between biker and bike.  Padding is gender specific. Padded bike shorts may be liners or a standalone tight.  If modesty is an issue or you are running errands, then they are bike shorts, skirts, kilts or light weight gym shorts you use or over the lycra tights.  Start inexpensive and let your buns and comfort tell you if you need more. For example, what you wear on 10 mile is not what you wear on a 40 mile ride.

Light rain or wind jacket based on conditions

The more you ride will provide the experience needed to expand your biking wardrobe to include gloves, arm warmers, vests, leggings.
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