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October Board Minutes

30 Oct 2017 8:25 AM | Deleted user

HBC Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes

October 17, 2017

1321 East 66th St., Suite #102


The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM.


In attendance:  Jim Luoma, Dan Robinson, Bev Sorensen, Barry Cole, and Jack Soltis.


The agenda was approved by all..

Minutes were read and approved.

Standing Reports:

            Treasurer:   Report as provided by Bruce Allyn generated discussion regarding

  •                               Annual banquet to be held Nov 5. Jack S graciously agreed to

                                    Provide meal, but needs dollar allowance. It was suggested to

                                     Use last year’s dollars as a guide.  We are not able to use stoves

                                    At  the church this year due to someone leaving them on last year.

                                    Bringing hot pizza or lasagna and not able to keep it warm led to                                                     discussion that Jack might contact D’Amico for similar fare as                                                    TDA. Easy to pick up and reasonably priced.  Budget planning                                                       deferred to November since Bruce not available.  IRS report                                                             deferred also.  Barry will contact Bruce.  Collette Sulsur and                                                       Wilbur Thomas will do annual audit.

            Marketing:      No report but Russ will send out Newsletter.

            Membership:   Added 8 new members and dropped 6 for a net gain of 2.

                                       Website and meetup rides accounted for new members.

            Operating Calendar:

                                    November is first meeting of new board, which will include three

                                       returning board members and two new ones.  Calendar

                                       will have to be adjusted at that time plus budget planning.

                                       Nominating team has two persons who agree to run for the

                                       Open positions:  Marty Rosenvitz, and John Johnston

            Smart Cycling: Bev will talk to Robin about upcoming schedule.                                          Old Business :  Art work for Ride Leaders vests not complete.  Company in South                                                    America responsible, so will need to wait a little longer.

            New Business: Jim L brought up request from Midtown Greenway Partnership to                                                               have HBC be a part of the partnership looking to use the                                                                           Short Line Railway for a bicycle path extending the                                                                          Greenway into St. Paul.  In as much as the railroad still                                                                    uses the line on average two to three times a week, and a                                                                       lack of knowledge about whether the line is volunteering to                                                              abandon the track or whether the Partnership is pressing the                                                            issue, we decided to pass on their request due to a lack of                                                                           information, and lack of personnel to attend said meetings                                                                upcoming about the issue.

Motion to adjourn. Approved. Adjourned at 7:20 PM.



Respectfully submitted by Dan Robinson

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