HBC Board of Director’s
Meeting Minutes
June 12, 2017
1321 East 66th St., Suite 102
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. In attendance: Jim Luoma, Bev Sorensen, Jack Soltis, Dan Robinson and Danette Vassilopoulos.
Add under New Business a proposal by Bev to reduce the size of the board next year.
Agenda approved by all.
MINUTES: Approved by all.
TREASURER’S REPORT: sent via email to all by Bruce and approved by all.
MARKETING REPORT: Dan Robinson attended the MSC meeting last month and will continue to be our representative from HBC. He reported that there would be some interesting cycling trips available from MSC shortly. Russ will post the MSC newsletter for club members to view in Spoke’N’Wheel
5 new members
9 members were removed
Jim will look into policy for members who haven’t paid dues by contacting Haggith.
TDA Jack will contact Greg re: discount for new members who sign up for HBC at the day of TDA. Discount could be the same as past years. Jim will also ask Haggith about past years.
ANNUAL BUDGET: It will be on the Sept operating calendar this year, after we know how things turn out at TDA. Motion made by Jim to discuss in September and all agreed.
DONATIONS: We discussed previous year donations to give new board members some history. Last year HBC made 5 $500 donation. The board will discuss this year’s donation AFTER TDA. Meanwhile Jack has volunteered to research 4 of the organizations we donated to last year.
SMART CYCLING: The board will contact Robin in August to inquire if she would like to continue to do Samrt Cycling next year.
NEW BUSINESS: Bev suggested fewer members on the board next year, as it is not easy to find replacements.
The By-Laws say we must have 5-7 persons so there is no need to change the by-laws.
Pros: 5 persons would be less stress on volunteers
Cons: if a few are not able to attend meeting
INSURANCE: Dan will contact Leon regarding the HBC insurance policy, and then he will post news rules in Spoke’N’Wheel.
Also Dan volunteered to do a program on Croatia, Italy and Belgium. Jim suggested he put together a running slide show and have it at the annual meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.