HBC Board of Director’s
Meeting Minutes
July 18, 2017
Brookdale Library
The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm. In attendance: Jim Luoma, Bev Sorensen, Jack Soltis, Dan Robinson, Bruce Allyn, Barry Cole and Danette Vassilopoulos.
Add under New Business proposal to send thank you to TDA Director.
Agenda approved by all.
MINUTES: Approved by all.
The number of riders for TDA was down by about 50.
The club needs to keep more out of the Vanguard account to pay expenses upfront.
The TDA insurance bill was discussed by Bruce and Dan.
Bruce requested approval to pay Diane Zeiss for mailing expenses from sending TDA jerseys to riders who did not show up day of. ALL APPROVED.
At the next meeting board will discuss TDA finances more when all of the receipts are turned in to Bruce.
MEMBERSHIP REPORT: last month 188
11 new members
13 members were removed
Dan brought to everyone’s attention that one of the members dropped was Bruce Beck who was one of the founding members of the club. Dan proposed the club do something honorary for him and suggested a lifetime membership and a plaque. The plaque idea was dropped.
VOTE for lifetime membership Bruce Beck: Bev abstained, everyone else YES.
Jack suggested we present this plaque at the annual meeting.
This is not a precedent.
Dan also suggested we try to have a better membership report with more details.
OPERATING CALENDER: Next meeting will be WEDNESDAY September 13 at 1321 East 66th Street. October meeting date will be discussed then.
SMART CYCLING: Danette will contact Robin to inquire if she is interested in handling Smart Cycle program again this year.
NEW BUSINESS: Motion by Danette to send TDA Director a thank you and $100 gift certificate to bike shop. ALL APPROVED.
Dan handed out copies of insurance TDA analyses that included numbers of riders over the years.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:55pm.