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March Board Meeting Minutes

18 Apr 2017 9:55 AM | Deleted user

HBC Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes

March 21,2017

1321 East 66th St., Suite #102


The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.  In attendance:  Jim Luoma, Bev Sorensen, Jack Soltis, Bruce Allyn ( via phone), and Danette Vassilopoulos.


 Approval of AGENDA.

  • -       add Ironman volunteers per Eddie Kalweit to New Business.

All Approved agenda.

MINUTES read and approved by all present.



The club spent $1114.75 this month.  Most of this was our insurance fee for this year.  Also a bank fee.  Smart Cycling ran over budget for this winter.

We will discuss Vanguard account next month.



We had one member drop out of club and one member who passed away bringing the number of members to 196.

Jim sent condolences to family of member who passed away.


MARKETING REPORT  no report this month


OPERATING CALENDER  We will pick next meeting date one month ahead based on who

will be present.  Next meeting will be Monday April 17th 6:30 pm.  Danette will contact Dan & Barry to let them know.


Ride leader training is on calendar, Volunteer banquet has had good response thus far.  Jim will be absent and will contact Dan to stand in for him.


SMART CYCLING   All agreed that programs were excellent this year.  Danette will send  Robin a thank you from the club for her efforts.


It was suggested that the club add Pillsbury Cycle Club to our donation list.  Jack suggested we consider donating all of our charity funds to this club.


TDA UPDATE  no news   A picture of the TDA jersey is on the HBC website


NEW BUSINESS  MSC Sportster/ Do we want to continue being members?  We will contact Russ to ask his opinion on this.


Discussion on John Hardy hosting a Cycle Savvy course for club members.  It would be a free class for club members.

All approved.


Bev will contact Edie re: Ironman volunteers to see what kind of response she has received.


MEETING adjourned  7:30 pm







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