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April board meeting minutes

15 Jun 2018 3:20 PM | Anonymous member

Hiawatha Bicycling Club meeting minutes

Board of Directors Meeting  7:30 pm  April 17, 2018

Location:   Noodles

                 1732 E. 66th Street

                  Richfield,  MN  55423

Board members present: Dan Robinson, Barry Cole, Jack Soltis, Marty Rosenstein, Mark Kleczewski,  Theresa Ditter, and John Johnston III (via phone).

Club menbers present: Leon Webster

Board members absent: none

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm

The March meeting minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report:  Mark 
Discussion regarding a 2018 budget was resumed after being deferred by Dan during the December 2017 board meeting. Due to some higher than expected expenses, the 2018 budget is projected to be about $534 in the red. Expenses are expected to be about $3150 higher than 2017. The costs related to Web hosting (Wild Apricot increase to $972), and PO box rental ($478 higher than 2017) were the largest spending increases over 2017. The projected Income from the revised participant pricing for this years TDA is unknown. So this years TDA revenue (and expenses) were assumed to be the same as 2017. The budget was passed with the elimination of ride leader jerseys (for 2018). Ride leader Jerseys would have cost about $1850 ($59.50 each times 31 RL) for 2018. However, certificates for ride leader awards for 2018 and the delinquent awards from 2016 & 2017 will be included(see Ride Leader Awards below). $500 will be drawn from the reserve funds to cover the projected year loss and balance the budget. Marty made a motion to approve the budget, which was seconded by John.  The measure carried and a 2018 budget was finally approved.   
New Ambassador program:  Leon 
Leon put forth the idea of a club “Ambassador” program where a HBC ride leader along with other club members could participate in (non-club) organized rides such as “Tour de Cure” or ALS ride. Riders would be encouraged to wear HBC or Tour D’Amico jerseys for the event. This would give visibility to the club. An HBC ride leader must post and handle other ride responsibilities such as sign in for ride member mileage credit. Riders would receive (HBC) ride credit but would be individually responsible for their own event signup and all fees for the ride. Riders would not be covered by HBC insurance and the club has no responsibility for the quality or endorsement of the event. The club ride leader coordinator (Leon) would have to approve the ride event before it could be scheduled (added) as a HBC ride. A motion was made and the board vote passed this proposal. 
Ride leader jersey & awards:  Leon & Dan 
Dan had deferred the action to Leon to obtain a jersey decision from the ride leaders (see meeting minutes from March). Leon indicated that it was a board decision and not up to ride leaders to decide on a ride leader jersey and/or award jersey. Dan pointed out to the board that he would not allow any spending beyond the budget. No ride leader jerseys will be provided for 2018 because of cost. After further board discussion it was decided that ride leaders that qualify for the Etoile du Nord award for 2018 will receive a certificate in the amount of $50 in place of a jersey. Suggestions for the certificate included a $50 gift card from Target (Theresa), or $50 cash (John J). The board decided to award $50 D’Amico gift cards. This follows the decision made at the March 6 board meeting where $50 D’Amico gift cards would be given to ride leaders who qualified in 2017 and 2016 in lieu of the Palamasino (vendor) jerseys that were never delivered. 

Vice-President’s Report:  Barry 
Nothing to report. 
Marketing and Public Relations Report:  Marty 
A redone HBC web site has been launched with an updated look designed to attract new members. Increased emphases on the Tour D’Amico and an improved calendar have been incorporated. Look for the addition of a newsletter in the near future. 
Club ride jersey options were unveiled at the spring banquet. Popular vote favored the colorful yellow material. Marty presented three ordering options that were variations of member cost, club up front costs, and total jerseys sold. After much debate, a motion was passed to sell the first forty (40) jerseys to members at $42 each with the club subsidizing $10 of the vendor price. Marty agreed that the subsidies can be taken from another area in the clubs approved marketing budget allowance, so the net effect on the overall budget is zero. Ordering information will be sent out to all members in an E-mail and payment at the time of ordering will be required. 
Discussion about  “Ease into Social Riding”, a joint program between One Ten Cycle and HBC for a class and cycling training rides, continued from last month. Dan indicated that the club would incur an additional $289 in insurance cost unless run by LCI instructors. No decision was reached. 
Membership Report:  John 
No report. 
Tour D’Amico (TDA) Report:  Dan 
TDA planning continues.  There will be an emphasis toward improving signing and route identification for the upcoming ride. As of April 16, twenty-eight (28) riders had registered and sixteen (16) TDA Jersey ordered. It was believed that 50 to 75% of the volunteer positions have been filled.  Additional volunteers are still needed. The club is still in need of a TDA director for next year (2019). 

New Business:


The next board meeting will be held on Monday May 7, 2018 at 7:00 pm at the Have Fun Biking office in Richfield.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 pm.

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