Hiawatha Bicycling Club meeting minutes
Board of Directors Meeting 7:00 pm December 12, 2017
Location: Have Fun Biking
1321 E 66th Street Suite 102
Richfield, MN 55423
Board members present: Dan Robinson, Barry Cole, Jack Soltis, Mark Kleczewski, Marty Rosenstein, John Johnston III and Theresa Ditter.
Board members absent: none
Meeting was called to order at 6:58 pm
The November meeting minutes were approved.
Dan recommended that the 2018 requirements and budget for the Star of the North ride leader jerseys and Magic Moccasin tee shirts be discussed and finalized during the ride leader breakfast next month. Leon Webster is the rideleader breakfest coordinator. Dan will followup with Leon.
Treasurer’s Report: Mark
The 990 non-profit form has been submitted. Approval of the 2017-2018 ride year budget was deferred until the January board meeting.
Vice-President’s Report: Barry
Barry was contacted by a potential speaker for the 2018 Smart Cycling program. He will pass this information onto Robin. The dates and locations for the 2018 Smart Cycling events are not yet available.
Marketing and Public Relations Report: Marty
The December 2 marketing meeting notes are attached to these December meeting minutes (at the bottom). Marty indicated that he was working with Leon to make the ride leader requirements available on the clubs web site for all to view. Marty will also work with Leon to include “Meetup.com” awareness training to all ride leaders this spring.
Membership Report: Dan
December club membership stands at 202. Two members less than the previous month.
TDA Report: Dan
No Tour D’Amico (TDA) report this month.
Volunteer Banquet – Dan
Dan recommended that the 2018 spring volunteer banquet be upgraded to a nicer venue than previous years. Perhaps to include live music and a silent auction. The budget was set at $2000. A motion was made to increase the 2018 banquet budget to $2000 and was passed by the board. The annual membership (November 2018) meeting budget was also increased to $1000.
The next board meeting will be held on January 16, 2018 at 7:00 pm at the Have Fun Biking office in Richfield.